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Attic Inspections

Joshua Mook

An attic inspection is one of the most important portions of the home inspection process because they help to control temperature, moisture, and play an important role in the stack effect within the building envelope . They can be difficult to access and move around in because of tight clearances, lack of areas for footing(or it cannot be seen due to factors such as lack of a luminaire or blown-in insulation covering the ceiling joists), and extremely hot or cold temperature depending upon the time of year the inspection is occuring. Because of these difficult working conditions, it is not uncommon to find hidden issues due to cut corners or poor workmanship by various trades including plumbers, roofers, electricians and HVAC professionals just to name a few. If its difficult to move, and difficult to remain comfortable in extreme temperatures some workers(not all!) will take shortcuts in their work to get out of there as soon as possible. These shortcomings in workmanship can lead to unforseen and expensive issues for the potential homeowner who is attempting to purchase the property. Leaking HVAC units, water distribution pipes, shoddy wiring or lack of junction blocks, disconnected or damaged ventilation fans, incorrect(or lack of) ventilation in unconditioned spaces, improperly vented plumbing vent stacks or bathroom exhaust fans, damage to rafters or trusses(or poor attempts to repair this damage) all can be lurking within the attic which is why it is so important an inspector finds a way to inspect it to the best of his/her ability. Below are some examples of issues within an attic that I found during ONE home inspection:

A poor attempt to support sagging rafters.

Old knob and tube wiring that has been cut as a means of disconnection.

A plumbing vent stack that was not extended through and above the roof line, instead left venting sewage gases into the attic, and ultimately, the building envelope as a whole.

These are just a couple issues I found on one property. When hiring a home inspector, make sure you find one that knows what hes looking for within the attic assembly! It may save you hundreds, even thousands, in future damages and repairs. As always remember to give Mook Home Inspections a call to book your residential property inspection and #havemooktakealook !

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